City of Surrey Servicing Agreement

City of Surrey Servicing Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you are a developer looking to build in the City of Surrey, it is important to understand the servicing agreement process. The servicing agreement is a legally binding contract between the City of Surrey and the developer that outlines the specific requirements for the provision of services such as water, sewer, roads, and sidewalks.

Here is what you need to know about the City of Surrey Servicing Agreement:

1. Preliminary Servicing Report

Before submitting a development application, it is recommended to engage a consulting engineer to prepare a preliminary servicing report (PSR) which outlines the servicing requirements for the development site. The PSR should identify the type and size of utility services required and provide a conceptual design layout for the site.

2. Application for Servicing Agreement

Once the developer has obtained approval for their development application, they can then apply for a servicing agreement with the City of Surrey. The application must include the PSR and other supporting documentation such as detailed engineering drawings, calculations, and cost estimates.

3. Review and Approval

The City of Surrey will review the application and supporting documentation to ensure that all the requirements are met. The review period can take up to three months, and during this time, the developer may be asked to make revisions or provide additional information.

4. Signing of Agreement

Once the application is approved, the developer and the City of Surrey will sign the servicing agreement. The agreement outlines the specific requirements and obligations of both parties and includes a schedule of payments for the services.

5. Construction and Inspection

The developer is responsible for the construction of the services and must adhere to the standards set out in the servicing agreement. The City of Surrey will conduct inspections to ensure that the services are built to the required standards.

6. Acceptance and Release of Security

Once the services are complete and inspected, the City of Surrey will issue a letter of acceptance, and the developer can request the release of their security deposit. The security deposit is usually equal to 125% of the estimated cost of the services and is held until the services are completed to the City`s satisfaction.

In conclusion, the servicing agreement is an essential part of the development process in the City of Surrey. It ensures that the necessary services are provided to the development site, and the developer is responsible for the construction of those services. By understanding the process, developers can ensure that their projects are completed on time and on budget.