Flat House Sharing Agreement

Flat House Sharing Agreement: An Essential Guide for Renters

Sharing a flat can be an affordable and practical solution for renters, especially in urban areas where housing costs are high. However, living with roommates requires a clear framework to ensure a peaceful coexistence. That`s where a flat house sharing agreement comes in handy.

What is a flat house sharing agreement?

A flat house sharing agreement is a document that sets out the rights and responsibilities of each tenant in a shared property. It typically includes the following information:

– The names of all tenants and their contact details

– The address and description of the property

– The duration of the tenancy and notice period for ending it

– The share of rent and bills each tenant is responsible for

– The rules for using common areas such as the kitchen, bathroom, and living room

– The guidelines on cleaning, recycling, noise, and guest policies

– The procedure for resolving disputes and handling damages

Why do you need a flat house sharing agreement?

A flat house sharing agreement is not legally required, but it can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts between tenants. By agreeing on the terms and conditions upfront, tenants can avoid miscommunication and reduce the risk of arguments or legal issues down the line.

Moreover, a flat house sharing agreement can protect tenants` rights and interests. For example, if one tenant fails to pay rent or damages the property, the others can use the agreement as evidence in court or with the landlord.

How to create a flat house sharing agreement?

Creating a flat house sharing agreement is a collaborative process that involves all tenants. Here are some steps to follow:

1. Discuss the key issues: Schedule a meeting with all tenants and discuss the main aspects of the tenancy, such as rent, bills, chores, and house rules. Make sure everyone agrees on the essentials before drafting the agreement.

2. Use a template: You can find many flat house sharing agreement templates online, which you can customize to fit your specific needs and circumstances. Alternatively, you can create your own agreement from scratch, but make sure to cover all the necessary topics.

3. Review and sign the agreement: Once you have a draft of the agreement, review it carefully and make sure all tenants understand and agree to the terms. Then, sign the agreement and keep a copy for each tenant.

4. Update the agreement: Over time, the circumstances of the tenancy may change, such as a tenant leaving or new ones joining. In that case, you should update the agreement and have all tenants sign it again to reflect the new situation.


A flat house sharing agreement is a useful tool for tenants who share a property. By setting out the expectations and obligations of all tenants, it can prevent misunderstandings, reduce conflicts, and protect tenants` rights. If you are planning to rent a flat with roommates, consider creating a flat house sharing agreement to ensure a harmonious cohabitation.