Which Agreement Is Absolutely Void and Illegal

When it comes to legal agreements, it`s essential to ensure that they are both valid and enforceable. However, some agreements are considered void and illegal, meaning they hold no legal weight and cannot be enforced under any circumstance. In this article, we will discuss which agreement is absolutely void and illegal.

An agreement that violates any law

The most fundamental and universal principle of contract law is that any agreement that violates any law is considered void and illegal. This means that if a contract`s purpose is to engage in an illegal activity, it cannot be enforced in a court of law. Such agreements are not only unenforceable, but they are also considered to be against public policy to protect the interests of the society as a whole.

For instance, if you sign a contract to sell illegal drugs, the contract would be considered both void and illegal. Similarly, contracts for criminal activities such as murder, theft, or kidnapping are also void and not enforceable.

An agreement with no lawful consideration

Another type of agreement that is considered void and illegal is a contract without lawful consideration. In simple terms, consideration refers to the exchange of something valuable between the parties involved in the agreement that motivates them to enter into the contract.

For example, if you promise to pay your friend $20,000 without any specific reason or exchange, the contract may be void because it has no lawful consideration. Both parties must give and receive something of value, and the exchange must be deemed legal for a contract to be enforceable.

Agreements with an uncertain objective

Contracts with an uncertain or unclear objective are also considered void and illegal. A contract`s objective must be specific, clear, and lawful for it to be enforceable. If the purpose of the agreement is not clearly defined or is deemed to be intended for illegal activities, it would not hold up in a court of law.

An agreement entered into by an incompetent or minor

Agreements entered into by minors or incompetent people may also be considered void and illegal. A minor is anyone under the age of 18, and in most cases, they are not considered to have the capacity to enter into a legally binding contract. Similarly, people with mental disabilities cannot enter into contracts, and any agreement they do enter into may be void and non-enforceable.

In conclusion, it`s essential to ensure that any agreement you enter is valid and enforceable. Ensure that the agreement you enter into is legal and not in violation of any law. Always ensure that any agreements you sign include a lawful consideration, have a clear objective, and exclude any minors or mentally incompetent parties. By doing so, you can avoid void and illegal contracts that hold no legal value.